Friday, June 19, 2009 Launches to Help Save Our War Memorials

For more than 75 years, the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial has stood as a reminder and tribute to fallen heroes and brave sacrifices. World War I veterans erected the 7-foot-tall cross in 1934 in the middle of the 1.6 million-acre Mojave Preserve in California.

Today, the ACLU is threatening to tear down this national treasure -- along with every other national memorial that displays religious imagery.

But Liberty Legal Institute is fighting back. Joined by 5 top veterans groups representing over 4 million soldiers, we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to keep historic religious monuments like the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial from being torn down.

To help spread the word about this landmark case, we recently launched, a site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the Supreme Court case and how the decision will affect Americans.

Since Memorial Day, over 10,000 people have signed the online petition to let veterans across America know they, too, will stand up against the ACLU and the desecration of our national war memorials. Also, more than 3,000 fans have joined the facebook page to let their voices be heard on this important issue!

To learn more about the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial -- and how you can get involved in saving this historic symbol -- please visit and stand up against those who wish to tear down our war memorials and those who fought to preserve our liberty.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Check out the brief we filed on behalf of the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial!