Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Don’t Tear Me Down Campaign Explodes! More than 1 million views of DontTearMeDown!

It is so rewarding to know that there are still dedicated patriots like you in our country today. When faced with the travesty that the ACLU is trying to perpetrate on our nation’s war memorials, faithful friends like you are standing up in support of our heroic veterans and our American values.

Since kicking-off the Don’t Tear Me Down campaign in late May (just 11 weeks ago), we have seen an overwhelming outpouring of support. More than 115,000 people have signed the petition to let our veterans know how grateful we are for their service and that we will stand with them in the fight to protect America’s war memorials.

We have also gained over 22,000 Facebook fans and have had just under 1.5 million views of the video on YouTube!

Our message has even made it all the way to Iraq, where two American soldiers heard about our cause and decided to organize a road trip to the Mojave Memorial Cross with the American Freedom Riders when they come home next month. They are using this trip to raise awareness and to help spread the word!

But one of the most gratifying statements of support comes from Frank Buckles, the last living WWI vet. Frank is standing behind this campaign to save the monument that honors his fallen comrades — and he is hoping that patriotic Americans like you, your friends and your family will stand with him.

If you have already signed the petition of support, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We hope you will continue your support and tell your friends and family about our mission.

And, if you are able, we hope you also will make a generous gift now to help us continue the fight to save the sacred memorials that honor those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms you and I enjoy today. Thank you.