Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Check out the brief we filed on behalf of the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial!


Cheryl said...

I just found this website AND I signed the petition.




Ken K said...

I am not a religious man however, I know what the beliefs are that built this great country. I served 20yrs in the United States Navy. I upheld and defended the Constitution. And unfortunately, I defended the rights of the so called American that finds a simple cross erected as a memorial to fallen soldiers in the middle of no where on top of a rock offensive. Its not only sad its ludicrous. If this memorial is lost where does it stop?

Sevakandi said...

Once upon a time I would have said this was unbelievable, but not today. Now it is typical of the loonies who think they have the right to force themselves and their opinions on everyone else. Aside from the fact that the Constitution is supposed to guarantee freedom of religion, not smother it, the men who were honored by that cross believed in it. Later generations have no right to tear down a symbol honoring them because they are offended by it, or don't believe in what they fought for. These people need to get over themselves.

I am a proud Army veteran, and sometimes I wonder why any of us fight for the likes of the ACLU.

Anonymous said...

I find this situation kind of ludicrous. The cross was put up for the Christian fighting people of WWII. Why would anyone want to take it down, the cross is in the middle of the Mojave Desert. I guess if I was of another religion and had fought for my country like thousands have done, I would be upset too. After all how many other religions do we have in the US and we only speak of the Christians. I don't want it torn down but would like people to think about others when erecting a memorial.
Sheila Coats

Judy said...

The more of this stuff I see, the more sick I feel.
Most of my family have fought in the wars and I am very proud of them. My daddy and his baby brother were in WW2 together, my
dads baby brother never made it back, and left 3 little ones.
It is so sad how they treat our men and women who have fought and those who are fighting now. May God Bless Our Troops.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does it matter if this memorial/Cross is in the desert or Times square? No, it is the true meaning of Patriotism. It is healing for many,it is a Symbol of what has to be done to keep America free. Not just a Cross in the desert, a memorial to all who faught and all who died and all who have been tortured by the enemies of this Land. Not only this land but for the freedom of other lands in this world. We MUST teach our children and grandchildren what these wars are all about. Look at what your childrens history books say about the wars of old. NOT MUCH! I had to teach my children about the Wars that my relatives and friends have faught. This is no exscuse by no means,but if we start now maybe we as a nation can turn this communist type of behavior around. What a dishonor to all Americans to take away a Memorial or even think about a lawsuit. Our Country is free becouse of the Blood, Sweat and Tears of these Men that served our Country. WW1 we still had horse mounted infantry and chain driven vehicles to do battle with. These men literally saw the whites of there enemies eyes! Hand to hand combat! These men saw things that some will NEVER talk about. As a matter of fact not many Vets from WW1 and WW2 are still living to tell the story of what they saw. My uncle was in WW2 and captured by the Japonese and tortured. He weighed about 80lb when he came home. He could not watch a war movie on tv. My uncle die a few years ago from a life full of complications from the torture he endured for you and me. Even for the person who files a law suit as this. SO do not tell me that you are offended by what you see. Tell my cousins and family that this memorial offends you! If we as a people ,one nation under GOD, will stop and think about OTHERS than ourselves. We would not be talking about this NOW. GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS OUR VETS,GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS ACROSS THIS WORLD. Do not listen to this trash! You ARE supported by more Americans, than not! THE PATRIOT

sparkyzgirl said...

I saw this story on FoxNews this morning, and I was mortified. This memorial is hurting no one. The ACLU has received a complaint from an individual in Oregon who states that he may someday drive through the Mojave Desert, and see this memorial and be offended. Please. If the ACLU is allowed to tear down this monument, then what is next? I have so much to say, but will reserve my right to expression until further action is taken or the Supreme Court sees that this is ridiculous and throws out the case made by the dimwits at the ACLU. They need to realize that our veterans and our current troops fighting abroad deserve to be honored. Americans should be outraged, regardless of their religious affiliation or the lack thereof, that this frivolous action was allowed by a judge in California. Now, because of that judge's ruling, the ACLU has boarded up this memorial, pending a ruling by the Supreme Court where the ACLU is seeking to have it removed, permanently. What is our country coming to that this type of thing is allowed to happen? God bless and keep our troops, and grant wisdom to the justices of the Supreme Court so that they may see that our veterans and troops serving now deserve to have this memorial. Beyond this, I am just speechless. Please help, sign the petition and forward it to all those you know, in the hope that they too, will sign and pray for the cause. God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

Because our Constitution guarantees religious freedom for all, why does one person have the right to have the cross in the Mojave Desert honoring Veterans removed, over the rights of thousands of US citizens who want it there? In a Democracy, does the right of one person truly have precedence over many? I would say if any change is made, why not erect religious symbols of all religions on that acre, honoring the war dead of ALL religions. I am a Christian, but would not find that offensive. It is to honor the Veterans, anyway, not some passerby.