Friday, June 19, 2009 Launches to Help Save Our War Memorials

For more than 75 years, the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial has stood as a reminder and tribute to fallen heroes and brave sacrifices. World War I veterans erected the 7-foot-tall cross in 1934 in the middle of the 1.6 million-acre Mojave Preserve in California.

Today, the ACLU is threatening to tear down this national treasure -- along with every other national memorial that displays religious imagery.

But Liberty Legal Institute is fighting back. Joined by 5 top veterans groups representing over 4 million soldiers, we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to keep historic religious monuments like the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial from being torn down.

To help spread the word about this landmark case, we recently launched, a site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the Supreme Court case and how the decision will affect Americans.

Since Memorial Day, over 10,000 people have signed the online petition to let veterans across America know they, too, will stand up against the ACLU and the desecration of our national war memorials. Also, more than 3,000 fans have joined the facebook page to let their voices be heard on this important issue!

To learn more about the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial -- and how you can get involved in saving this historic symbol -- please visit and stand up against those who wish to tear down our war memorials and those who fought to preserve our liberty.


Anonymous said...

My name is not important However the one person that has a problem about this CROSS IS FREE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY AT ANYTIME! Because of the VETERANS this person has a right to complain. Did they ever Thank a Vet for their Service or Attend a Military Burial. If they have they might understand why this is so important. It in Honor of All The Men and Woman who have Fought and Died for this Country the United States of America. GOD BLESS AMERICA & GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a disgrace that the ACLU is taking the case of a man who lives in Oregon (and is Roman Catholic which has many crosses) and who MIGHT visit the Mojave and see the cross memorial and be offended! How ridiculous is this?! No wonder the courts are clogged with cases! It's been there since 1934. Leave it alone. As for the guy in Oregon, get a life! And I agree with the Anonymous post, the only reason this guy can be such a jerk is because his freedom is protected by those who serve our country and, he is showing MAJOR disrespect for those who died and those who now serve. Why doesn't he leave this country if he can't show respect?! I'm ashamed to have him in our country. To all the service men and women, please know that not all Americans feel as this moron does. God bless and keep safe each and every one of you.
DON'T TEAR ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have said all my life of 72 years that anyone who does not like it here in the U S A then they are free to live.

Ben S said...

I think that all of the true Americans that can and would be willing to should contribute the funds for the gentleman from Oregon to take an all-expense paid trip to this memorial, address all of the true Americans that would like to attend and explain to them in person how offended he is by this memorial. I know that I would.

Anonymous said...

I'M offended by the ACLU. What about my rights? Why can't we tear down the ACLU? Shame on any senator or representative who does not openly and loudly protest this slap in the face of all veterans!

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to buy him a plane ticket to anywhere outside the USA

littlelizatee said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Fine example of "you can't fix stupid" on many levels. Mr. Oregan, please leave our country if this cross is offensive and do us a favor & take the ACLU with you. What a disgrace that this is even happening! GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!

Anonymous said...

The person who started this is sick. God Bless America

Anonymous said...

Send this individual to the middle east. It is a good place for that person.

Paul Huff (USAF Retired) said...

I am a veteran, An AMERICAN Veteran, I am not swayed by these antics of "one" I WILL BE IN DC 12 Nov 2009, and I openly challenge ALL, veterans to follow suit. Let OUR voices be heard. The ACLU cannot drown our voices if we speak up. I also feel we should stand vigil to this particular memorial to prove our loyalty to America, now and forever!

Anonymous said...

This country is fast going to hell. I invite this disgrace of a human being to leave the country and find "happiness" in Iran, Venezuela, N Korea, China, or any other place that doesn't display the cross.

ktugwell said...

When will our courts stop taking away the rights of of the majority to accommodate the desires of a perverse few?
Our country sould do everthing possible to honor those who have served and those who will serve this country in the armed forces.

Eugeme S. Wetter said...

The only way we can stop the ACLU is to vote those who are liberals be they Dems, who most are, and Reps. is to vote them out of office or at least let them know how we feel.

ex Navy Vet.

Anonymous said...

From Vietnam to today I am a patriot. For those who don't understand the meaning of that word I would ask them to go find a veteran and ask him what it is like to be a patriot. I was lucky and made it back. Some friends didn't. They, along with many others paid the ultimate price for all the freedoms we should have today but are losing because of things like the ACLU. They MUST be stopped.

Anonymous said...

My father fought in WWII and my husband in Viet Nam for this country and I am proud of them and all of the others that have stood for FREEDOM for all of us Americans. The ACLU should hang their heads in shame and the individual from Oregon should leave this Country, it is about time that the TRUE AMERICANS fought to get this Country on the right track.

Anonymous said...

I, Colleen Baxter, a proud citizen of the United States of America, cannot serve in the Armed Forces because of a physical disability but I can, and do, stand behind our brave service personnel. I challenge all who take advantage of our freedom OF (not from) religion and the other freedoms we take for granted to fight to keep them and their symbols alive for generations to come. Christ reminds His people that whoever is ashamed of Him on earth will be regarded as an unwelcome stranger in heaven. I am not, despite the Christian cast of my words, intolerent or disrespectful of beliefs different from mine; rather, I would give all I have to allow others the freedom to believe, or not, as they wish. Separation of Church and State is not a negative value equated with the absence of God, but instead a positive method to allow for pluralism and personal expression of convictions. Let this expression of thankgiving and memoriam stand! God Bless America and Her vetetrans!

Anonymous said...

My fellow Americans if we don't begin to band together and take back our country, we can only blame ourselves for where we end up. Stand up for something! These men and women gave their lives for every one of us; not just some. Don't Tear Me Down! Keep this going.
Dyer, IN

Louis Cypher said...

I am an atheist and I believe that Christians, Muslims, etc. are irrational.

HOWEVER, I am also a veteran and a patriot and have no problem with crosses as memorials. I am offended by the ACLU, by Frank Buono, and by the notorious Ninth Circuit "Court". It is clear where the threats to my liberty and sensibilities lie -- it's not the cross.

The ACLU suit is without merit; the Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech."

Notice it *does not* say that religious symbols must be removed from public land! That is a bogus doctrine from activist courts. The only right being trampled is veterans' rights of free speech and expression.

Anonymous said...

My family has traced our military history back to before the Revolutionary War and I am proud of every one of them. We have Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard in the mix, so I know the meaning of patriotism. I don't know where our country is going, but dismissing our veterans like we are letting "some" people do is tearing the heart out of what our country stands for. Shame, shame, shame on us if we keep letting things like what is going in the desert keep happening. Wake up America before there is no America left.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand how one person through the efforts of the ACLU can dictate How the rest uf us shall be governed. All we need to do is vote as a majority to let the monument stand and the politicians have no alternative but support the Majority. We have lost our grasp on reality. Organizations such as the ACLU and ACORN have got to go as do the Politicians that lend support to such organizations. REMEMBER them on Election day. God Save America beforee it is too late.

Anonymous said...

What is next, take down all the crosses in Arlington and mark them with a period. The ACLU would love that. Americans unite against those who would take away our freedoms one by one. God Bless America

Anonymous said...

I am a vet. This attempt to bring down the cross reinforces my conviction that America's enemies living among us.

Semper Fi

Anonymous said...